Stalking -an invasion of the mind!


Thursday 31 October 2024




Eden Room, Epsom Community Centre, 202 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Auckland

Organised by

Rob Veale Ltd.



This presentation seeks to provide participants with an opportunity for a conversation about stalking. This is a general introduction to stalking, which should be consistent with, and complement any legislation that is introduced.

About this Presentation/Workshop

Fear, distress and alarm – some of the reactions victims have to stalking. But stalking is far more – it is ‘an invasion of the mind’. It is critical that advocates, professionals and the wider community agencies recognise the debilitating effects of stalking, especially in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV) but also involving people in non-familial relationships. New Zealand has no specific stalking legislation, though it is understood to be under development. This presentation seeks to provide participants with an opportunity for a conversation about stalking. This is a general introduction to stalking, which should be consistent with, and complement our legislation when introduced.

By the end of this ‘workshop’ participants will be able to:

  • Understand stalking and the context in which stalking occurs

  • Understand behaviours often associated with stalking including use of technology

  • Describe the dynamics associated with stalking (including the SLII framework), the typology and demographics of people involved and relationships between victims and perpetrators

  • Have conversations with victims/survivors about stalking

  • Apply learnings to risk assessment and safety planning processes

  • Know where to find some of the resources available to inform policy and practice.

The presenters

Dr Alison Towns is a researcher and trainer who has retired from clinical practice after working as a clinical psychologist for around 40 years. For more than thirty years she specialised in domestic and family violence, including working as an expert witness in the Courts. She was an inaugural member of the New Zealand Family Violence Death Review Committee. She has worked with community organisations to develop proposals for a law on stalking and, with them, recently submitted a petition to the Minister of Justice for a new Stalking Law for New Zealand.

Rob Veale has worked in the family violence sector for over 30 years. His work in this area was recognised in the New Year Honours list in 2006. He shares his extensive experience from Police, an inaugural member of the New Zealand Family Violence Death Review Committee, international experience with NZAID and health experience through his role as the Violence Intervention Programme Coordinator for CCDHB. Rob has developed and delivered family violence training to many audiences throughout New Zealand and the Pacific.


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