CDC launches re-designed VetoViolence website

Mon 17 Nov 2014

The Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC) has launched a re-designed VetoViolence website. VetoViolence aims to be a comprehensive violence ...

The Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC) has launched a re-designed VetoViolence website.

VetoViolence aims to be a comprehensive violence prevention resource. Re-designed in response to user's ideas and suggestions, the new website is customised and seeks to be user-focussed, bringing together information, tools and tips to enhance violence prevention efforts.

The new website offers:

  • Programme resources, from planning and implementation to evaluation and sharing success
  • Training which highlights the essentials of prevention
  • Tools to further programmes and partnerships
  • A comprehensive library of resources, including the ability to bookmark and receive recommendations for relevant content
  • Tools and trainings created for a specific violence prevention focus such as Child Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, Suicide and Youth Violence

New content features include:

  • EvaluACTION, for people interested in learning about and applying programme evaluation
  • The 'ACEs Snapshot', which provides approachable, informative content on the Adverse Childhood Experiences study
  • Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention, which uses expert interviews, creative visuals, interactivity and compelling story telling to  communicate the relevance of teen dating violence prevention to anyone working with youth

VetoViolence also provides the Understanding Evidence tool, which seeks to support evidence based decision-making. 

Image: Internet1 by Rock1997. Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Image: Rock1997