Conference Names Five Essential Ingredients for Ending Violence Against Women
Tue 07 Nov 2006
Five essential factors need to eliminate violence against women in the world, were agreed by the 500 participants at the first international ...
Five essential factors need to eliminate violence against women in the world, were agreed by the 500 participants at the first international conference on Violence Against Women, held at Montreal in October this year.
The conference, organised by the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Family Violence and Violence Against Women and attended by people from 40 countries, closed with a consensus agreement on the about five conditions that need to be put in place to eliminate violence against women.
These are:
- Widespread agreement that violence against women is real and pervasive, affecting the lives of one woman in three around the world.
- A common understanding that domestic violence is a social problem – there needs to be community ownership of the problem: Women should not carry the shame and blame for violence.
- Consistent social responses, where all agencies have a common understanding, and where interventions are coordinated across agencies.
- An international awareness campaign on violence against women, which is needed to support the other initiatives above.
- Funding for the prevention of violence against women, which needs to be protected and substantially increased.
For more information about the Violence Against Women : Diversifying Social Responses conference: