Consultation open on bill amending child protection and care services
Mon 11 Jul 2016
Submissions are now being invited on the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (Advocacy, Workforce, and Age Settings) Amendment Bill. ...
Submissions are now being invited on the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (Advocacy, Workforce, and Age Settings) Amendment Bill. Submissions close on 28 July 2016.
The bill would implement a number of changes identified in the recent proposed reforms to Child, Youth and Family.
One of the main proposed changes is raising the age of State care and protection, to end on a young person's 18th birthday instead of their 17th birthday.
In addition the bill proposes to:
- "strengthen the participation of children and young people in decisions about their own lives
- embed the views of children and young persons into policy and service development
- support the set-up of independent advocacy services, with a particular focus on children and young people in care
- allow a wider range of workers to perform a wider set of tasks to help vulnerable children and young people."
Submissions can be made on the NZ Parliament website, to the Social Services Select Committee.
The changes are part of a wider plan of reforms announced in April 2016 to child protection and care services.
For more information about the reforms, see the previous NZFVC stories:
Government announces reforms to Child, Youth and Family
New bill introduces some reforms to Child, Youth and Family
Panel releases interim report on Child, Youth and Family
Government establishes panel to lead "major overhaul" of Child, Youth and Family
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In addition, the Social Security (Extension of Young Persons Services and Remedial Matters) bill was passed by Parliament and became legislation on 7 July 2016. The Act extends Youth Service support to all 19-year-old parents and 18 and 19-year-olds without children who are "considered at significant risk of long term welfare dependence."
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