Engagement on National Strategy and Action Plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence launched

Mon 10 May 2021

The government is inviting feedback from from tangata whenua, victim-survivors, communities throughout the country, service providers and individuals.

The government has launched work to develop a National Strategy and Action plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Joint Venture is coordinating this work.  

This consultation starts on 12 May 2021 and ends on 30 June 2021.  After the consultation, there will be hui with key stakeholders to bring together the feedback. It is expected a National Strategy and Action Plans will be delivered in October 2021. 

The deadline to give feedback has been extended for people in the disability community to 12 July 2021. The consultation documents are now available in alternate formats on the Joint Venture website.

Information about how to give feedback is on the Joint Venture website: violencefree.govt.nz/have-your-say/.

How to give feedback and have your say

There are a range of different ways to give feedback during this stage: 

  1. Send written feedback (Freepost) to:
    Minister Marama Davidson
    Freepost Parliament
    Private Bag 18 888
    Parliament Buildings
    Wellington 6460
  2. An online survey
  3. Email your feedback to submissions@violencefree.govt.nz – you can write an email or send a video or audio recording 
  4. Host a hui or conversation and share the outcomes with the Joint Venture – email nationalstrategy@violencefree.govt.nz for advice on organising a hui  

For more information see the Joint Venture’s invitation to give feedback and an information pack on how to have your say

Helping victim-survivors have their say

The Backbone Collective has also been contracted by the Joint Venture to provide an alternative way for people who identify as female, aged 16+, who have experienced family violence or sexual violence, to share their feedback on what should be included in a National Strategy and Action Plans. 

Backbone believes that listening to victim-survivor voices is vital in making sure the system responds safely and effectively to family violence and sexual violence. They have developed a survey that enables victim-survivors that do not feel safe sharing their ideas directly with government to share their feedback on the National Strategy so that their voices are not absent or lost in the feedback process. 

You can access the Backbone’s feedback survey here.  
Responses will be anonymous. The survey will be open until 30 June 2021.

What feedback is the government asking for?

The government is asking for feedback about what needs to be done about family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand, and what needs to happen first. There are questions about what the National Strategy should include and what initiatives the Action Plans should prioritise.  

The questions focus on a vision:

"Our vision is for the end of family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand - so that people are safe, well, and thriving."

The Joint Venture has also identified four principles: 

  • "Oranga whānau
  • Mauri ora
  • Healthy relationships
  • Equitable and inclusive approaches"

and seven focus areas: 

  • "Recognise te ao Māori
  • Bring government responses together
  • Recognise tangata whenua leadership and community-led approaches
  • Strengthen workforces to prevent and respond to family violence and sexual violence
  • Increase the focus on prevention
  • Develop ways for government to create changes
  • Enable continuous learning and improvement."

The Joint Venture developed these from what they have learned from previous research, reports and conversations with people affected by and working in violence. 

You can answer the questions. You can also give other feedback. If you don’t have much time, you can answer 4 questions about what you think. 

Research and information to support the engagement process - new NZFVC portal

The government has asked the NZFVC to collate key research and information that can help support your feedback to the Joint Venture on a National Strategy and Action plans.
You can access this information through the new portal on the front page of our website. 

Related media

Victim-survivor Voices Should Play A Central Part In Government Strategy To Stop Family & Sexual Violence, Press Release: Joint Venture, Scoop, 05.07.2021

Government hits massive milestone in Violence Prevention & Elimination, Beehive, 06.05.2021

Family and sexual violence challenged, Te Ao Māori News, 06.05.2021

Whānau-led approach for all New Zealanders: Communities to lead change to prevent violence, NZ Herald, 06.05.2021

Save The Children Says New Government Approach To Tackle Family And Sexual Violence Must Include Children’s Voices, Scoop, 06.05.2021

Lived experience will inform anti-violence strategy, Waatea News, 07.05.2021