Gender Justice Collective examines political party policies on gender equity
Mon 24 Aug 2020
A new group is highlighting gender justice issues leading up to New Zealand's general election in October 2020.
Gender Justice Collective Te Roopu Manatika-ā-Ira is doing this work in two parts:
- YouChoose2020 - a nationwide survey for women, womxn, wāhine, trans women and those who walk between the binary world to share what they need and want to help achieve this vision. The survey is open now to anyone who identifies as a woman, wāhine, womxn, trans women or who walks between the binary worlds. The survey includes questions on safety from violence and abuse.
- WeChoose2020 - a matrix designed to rank and measure how well political party policies are supporting gender equity in Election 2020. This will be released following the survey.
The Collective's website says:
"We use feminism as a shorthand for intersectional feminism: a feminism that is not exclusivity focused on eradicating sexism but one that is invested in dismantling all systemic hierarchies including white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, ableism, heterosexism, transphobia, colonialism and more.
We are committing to working in a collaborative, inclusive way – honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, being guided by feminism and constantly learning."
See the website for more information and to sign up to receive updates.
The Gender Justice Collective also has a Facebook page.
Image: CoWomen on Unsplash