Ministry of Justice appoints Dr Ian Lambie as Science Advisor
Mon 14 Mar 2016
The Ministry of Justice has appointed Dr Ian Lambie as the inaugural justice sector Science Advisor. Dr Lambie will work across the justice ...
The Ministry of Justice has appointed Dr Ian Lambie as the inaugural justice sector Science Advisor. Dr Lambie will work across the justice sector to improve access to, and use of, data, research and evidence.
Secretary for Justice and Chief Executive Andrew Bridgman says Dr Lambie will "help the justice sector to improve the lives of New Zealanders by advising on the use of best evidence in our cross sector work to reduce crime, victimisation and harm."
Dr Lambie is an Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology at the University of Auckland. His work focuses on youth offenders, in particular adolescents who sexually offend, children who deliberately light fires and children displaying violent and antisocial behaviour. Some of his research is available in the Clearinghouse library.
The role is part of a network of science advisors established across government by the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor, Sir Peter Gluckman. In February 2015, Professor Richie Poulton from the University of Otago was appointed as the Ministry of Social Development's Chief Science Advisor.
The Dunedin Study is the world’s longest and largest investigation into what makes us grow up into who we are, TVNZ, 29.05.2016 (15 min, with Richie Poulton)
Richie Poulton, chief science adviser Ministry of Social Development, Radio NZ, 13.04.2015
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