MSD sexual harm update - helpline, tenders and evaluation progress
Tue 05 Dec 2017
The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development provides brief updates on progress on the national ...
The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) latest update on "sexual harm" service development provides brief updates on progress on the national helpline, tender for gaps in crisis support services, evaluation of sexual harm services and more.
The 28 November 2017 update provides additional information about the delayed launch of the national helpline, now scheduled for 2018. Workshops are being planned to work on the referral pathway for the helpline, called Safe to Talk. The update also provided information about the Homecare Medical staff leading the work to develop the helpline.
Work is still progressing on the tender for gaps in crisis support services. Once finalised, MSD will announce who has won the tenders. The process for addressing gaps in the Midlands and Southern regions is still progressing.
A formative evaluation will be conducted in 2018 to survey frontline staff and providers about evaluating specialist sexual harm services funded by MSD. Malatest International is leading the evaluation work.
The South-South Institute (SSI 2017) conference on sexual violence against men and boys was held in November. Conference notes will be made available on the Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT) website.
As noted in a previous update, Korowai Tūmanako has been awarded the contract for a Kaupapa Māori Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) Service Pilot. They are working with MSD and the Sapere Research Group to develop an outcomes framework for the pilot.
Read the 28 November 2017 full update on the MSD website. You can also read all past updates and sign-up to receive future updates.
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