NZFVC wishes you a safe and happy break, reopening 8 January 2018
Thu 21 Dec 2017
The Clearinghouse will be closed for the holiday break from Thursday 21 December 2017. We will reopen on Monday 8 January 2018. The It's Not ...
The Clearinghouse will be closed for the holiday break from Thursday 21 December 2017. We will reopen on Monday 8 January 2018.
The It's Not OK Campaign has put out key messages to support people responding to family members who may be experiencing or using violence over the holidays.
These are below:
"Help your family be safer these holidays
- Discuss ways to make family visits, travelling or parties safer
- Make a plan to check in with anyone you're concerned about
- Name abusive behaviour that you don't like. Don't let booze or drugs be an excuse
- Keep an eye on children and what's going on around them
- Support someone to get space or time-out
- Take care of yourself"
The campaign also provides information about danger signs and how to help. This includes suggestions for safe ways to have a conversation with someone you are concerned about.
Seeking help
Contact details for support services are provided on our website.
In 2016, Women's Refuge and the Warehouse launched a tool to allow victims to find information online without leaving an online trail. When you click on an icon it opens webpages with information about finding help, without the webpages appearing in a user's browser. To access the site, look for the icon at the bottom of partnering websites including The Warehouse, TradeMe, Countdown, ASB and others.
Supporting refuges and service providers
Women's Refuge has created a short video on what donations are most useful for people to give to support Women's Refuge over the holiday period.
Each year, the US-based National Resource Centre on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) publishes a holiday toolbox. The guidance documents provide support around providing services for victims over the holiday period, such as cultural sensitivity, food-related needs of survivors, and responding to the wellness needs of staff.
'Don't guess the yes' sexual assault prevention campaign
In Wellington, NZ Police have launched a sexual assault prevention campaign, 'Don't guess the yes.' The campaign is being run in association with Wellington HELP, Hutt Rape Counselling Network, Wellington City Council's sexual violence strategic projects advisor and the Courts' Victim Services.
We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.
Related media
Hairdressers sign up to cut out domestic violence, Stuff, 10.12.2017
Image: Pixabay