Request for Current and Planned Research
Tue 16 Aug 2005
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is currently undertaking an exercise to update the 1998 publication An Agenda for Family Violence ...
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is currently undertaking an exercise to update the 1998 publication An Agenda for Family Violence Research in New Zealand (the Agenda), produced originally by the Family Violence Unit, Social Policy Agency, Department of Social Welfare, in collaboration with the Social Policy Branch, Te Puni Kokiri. A searchable electronic (PDF) version of this original document is scheduled to appear on our website in the near future.
This process requires that we create an annotated bibliography updated from that contained within the original Agenda. This bibliography aims to take account of both published and unpublished works created since 1998. This includes articles, books, reports, theses, papers, conference papers, original research projects, evaluations, literature reviews, presentations, and any other work that could be relevant to others in the field wanting to advance family violence prevention. From January 2007 the updated Agenda, with annotated bibliography, research mapping and gaps analysis completed, will be accessible and searchable on our website.
We need your help in identifying current and planned research within the Aotearoa New Zealand family violence field, and in acquiring electronic and/or hard copies of completed works so that they can be made accessible to others in the field. Please contact us, preferably by email, at, or by telephone or fax, and let us know of any family violence related research you and/or your organisation are currently undertaking, have planned for the future, or have completed since 1998, so that we can arrange to have it added to our annotated bibliography and the Hard Copy Repository. This way, with your help, we will be able to gain a more accurate picture of the progress being made and existing gaps in family violence research. This information in turn will allow a greater focus to be achieved within family violence research in Aotearoa New Zealand.