Taskforce releases papers under Programme of Action 2012/13 and 2011/12
Mon 15 Dec 2014
The Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families have released four papers completed under the Programme of Action 2012/13. The papers are: What ...
The Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families have released four papers completed under the Programme of Action 2012/13. The papers are:
What works to prevent intimate partner violence and elder abuse? (Louise Thornley, Quigley and Watts)
A review of the effectiveness of interventions for adult victims and children exposed to family violence (Alison Chetwin, Litmus)
Report on monitoring and evaluation activity in New Zealand across the family violence sector (Judy Paulin, Artemis Research)
Training and education for the family violence workforce: Developing a national training framework (Ministry of Health)
It has also released a paper Evidence brief: Issues and opportunities for addressing family violence within the disability sector (October 2012) from the Programme of Action 2011/12.
The Taskforce has not developed a Programme of Action since 2012/13.
The Government publicly released its proposed 2014/15 cross-agency work programme on family violence in August 2014, prior to the election. Cabinet papers released included A stronger response to family violence (Ministry of Justice) and Family violence: Achieving intergenerational change (Ministry of Social Development).
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