Westpac first employer to receive Shine's DVFREE Tick
Tue 17 Oct 2017
A DVFREE Tick programme has been developed by Shine to support and recognise employers who have made significant efforts to address domestic ...
A DVFREE Tick programme has been developed by Shine to support and recognise employers who have made significant efforts to address domestic violence by creating a supportive workplace.
Specifically, the DVFREE Tick recognises "... a workplace that is safe and supportive for staff experiencing domestic violence, and that does not tolerate staff using work time or resources to perpetrate domestic abuse."
The programme is designed to help employers respond to employees who are experiencing domestic violence as well as employees who are perpetrating domestic violence. The programme requires employers to develop comprehensive policy and procedures and provide awareness-raising and targeted training for staff.
Shine awarded the DVFREE Tick to Westpac to recognise they have developed a comprehensive domestic violence programme. Westpac has implemented a number of strategies such as training for employees including workshops for managers and in-depth training for ‘First Responders’ (staff who are available to support employees experiencing violence). They also offer an online training module and provide five days paid leave to employees impacted by domestic violence.
Westpac helped Shine develop a free online learning module for domestic violence and the workplace. Shine has also developed Guidelines on Policy & Procedures which can be purchased online.
Westpac NZ Chief Executive David McLean said, “Realising that domestic violence is actually a workplace issue was a revelatory moment for me.” For more information, see David McLean's article in the NZ Herald.
The NZ Herald reported that Shine is currently working with 10 other companies on meeting the criteria of the DVFREE Tick programme.
More information
For more information about the Domestic Violence—Victims' Protection Bill and related issues and resources, see the previous NZFVC news stories:
Additional feedback invited on Domestic Violence—Victims' Protection Bill
Submissions open on domestic violence workplace bill; new research on economic abuse.
Selected media
NZ businesses create refuges in their workplace for staff, Press Release: Women's Refuge, Scoop, 08.03.2018 (also see Workplace Refuge - A Women’s Refuge Endorsement)
Westpac's anti-domestic violence efforts lauded, Human Resources Director NZ, 04.10.2017
Violent boyfriend cost an Auckland woman three jobs in a year, Stuff, 03.10.2017
Image: Pixabay