Fourth round of Capability Investment Resource open; resources on NGO collaboration and learning
Fri 26 Sep 2014
The fourth round of the Capability Investment Resource (CIR4) will open for applications between 24 November 2014 and 30 January 2015. The Ministry ...
The fourth round of the Capability Investment Resource (CIR4) will open for applications between 24 November 2014 and 30 January 2015.
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is intending to release the CIR4 Guidelines for Applicants in early October. They will then release the application forms in early November, ahead of the opening date for the fund.
MSD will be offering a series of half-day workshop presentations for for providers that are considering applying to CIR4 and for capability mentors in October/early November. The dates for these have now been set - for further information, contact MSD.
The MSD website says:
"It has always been signalled that, over time, the focus of the CIR would shift towards supporting co-operative, joined-up activity and new ways of working together. This recognises that broader, sustainable social development comes from improving cross-sector co-ordination and collective vision.
Aligned with this direction, our strategy for guiding the overarching Organisational Capability Framework (the Framework) has reconfirmed the key priority areas upon which we need to concentrate as we move forward in implementing the CIR:
- NGO collaboration – involving building strong relationships with existing and new partners, and initiating shared and joined-up activity, particularly around fresh and innovative approaches to service development and delivery
- the development of learning organisations – involving building a sustainable 'culture' of continuous improvement, supported by NGO peer support, mentoring, sharing of knowledge and experience, and joined-up problem solving"
For further information, see the Ministry of Social Development website.
MSD released the CIR4 Guidelines for Applicants in October 2014.
MSD released further clarification on Stream Three ICT applications in December 2014. This can be found under the Capability Investment Resource Stream Three heading on the MSD website.
Resources to assist with NGO collaboration include the following:
NZFVC Issues Paper 1 (2012)
Building collaborations to eliminate family violence: facilitators, barriers and good practice
Tools to support multi-agency collaboration
The Impact Collective's report, The Way Forward: An Integrated System for Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse and Neglect in New Zealand (2014).
Resources on collective impact and materials by Liz Weaver.
Image: iStock