NZFVC celebrates 10 years: 2005-2015

Thu 05 Nov 2015

In 2015, the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse celebrates 10 years as your national centre for family and whānau violence research ...

In 2015, the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse celebrates 10 years as your national centre for family and whānau violence research and information.

The tenth birthday of the Clearinghouse was celebrated with an event at the University of Auckland's Tamaki campus in October 2015. The day also included the launch of a University of Auckland pathway in violence studies, commencing in 2016 with a Postgraduate Certificate. 

You can view the presentations from the day, photos and messages from Clearinghouse users at the link above.

We also launched a report, New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse: Overview and Highlights. In the past four years, the Clearinghouse has responded to almost 1000 requests for information and initiated over 600 community engagement activities. There have been more than 42,000 users of the website in the last twelve months. Our most popular Issues Paper has been downloaded more than 5000 times. Read the report to learn more about the work of the Clearinghouse. 

Family and whānau violence continue to have a devastating impact in Aotearoa New Zealand. We believe that family violence is preventable, however this will require long-term commitment and sustained action across many sectors. Given the complexity and the urgency of the problem, we need to ensure prevention and response efforts are based on the best available information and evidence. The role of the Clearinghouse is to provide this information and we look forward to consolidating and expanding the service as we move forward. 

The Clearinghouse team thanks Superu, which funds the Clearinghouse, and the University of Auckland and UniServices for hosting the Clearinghouse. We acknowledge all the people who have been involved in the work of the Clearinghouse over the last 10 years. In particular, we acknowledge our users and the incredibly important work you all do.

Image: NZFVC logo