Joint Venture consulting on family violence workforce standards and framework
Tue 13 Apr 2021
The Joint Venture Business Unit (JVBU) is asking for feedback on two documents related to family violence workforce capability.
The consultation is inviting feedback on the Specialist Family Violence Organisation Standards and the Specialist Family Violence Entry to Expert Workforce Capability Framework.
The closing date to give feedback is 26 April 2021.
The Specialist Family Violence Organisation Standards (SOS) are designed for specialist family violence practitioners. The Standards state that:
"National organisational standards for specialist family violence NGOs will reduce harm from unsafe organisational practice. These standards will help define the organisational capabilities and practices of specialist family violence organisations that support safe, holistic and effective specialist practice" (page 20).
The Entry to Expert Framework (E2E) defines family violence workforce capabilities at different practice levels. The Framework focuses on workforce knowledge and skill. It outlines the capabilities that are required to work as a family violence specialist practitioner.
You can give feedback through an online survey. The JVBU is also available to organise face-to-face or online meetings. Contact the Workforce Organisational Capability Project on 027 214 4624 or
These tools were developed by the Progressive Design Group established by the Joint Venture and included representatives from the family violence and sexual violence workforce. The tools build on the Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whānau Workforce Capability Framework launched in 2017. For more information see the Context Document from the JVBU.
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Image: Ann H from Pexels