Call for Proposals for 2021 National Sexual Violence Conference
Mon 12 Jul 2021
Te Ōhaakii ā Hine – National Network for Ending Sexual Violence Together (TOAH-NNEST) is inviting proposals for presentations and workshops for the bi-annual National Sexual Violence Conference 2021.
Update: Due to Aotearoa's outbreak of Delta in the community, TOAH-NNEST has postponed the bi-annual National Sexual Violence Conference. On the 15 November 2021, TOAH-NNEST will hold a virtual summit to give an opportunity to connect and progress their collective vision of Kua Ea – total elimination of mahi tūkino/sexual violence. On 28-29 March 2022, TOAH-NNEST will host the conference “Ka tūhonohono, ka ānga whakamua” (coming together, moving forward) will be held at Te Papa, Pōneke Wellington.
According to organisers TOAH-NNEST, the theme for the conference is "Ka tūhonohono, ka anga whakamua – Coming together, moving forward – and is based around the well-known whakataukī:
“Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi”.
“With your basket and my basket, we will sustain everyone”.
The TOAH-NNEST call for proposals notes:
"This whakataukī acknowledges that shared accountability within communities is important because through working together, we can achieve more than we would alone.
The kaupapa of the conference is to bring those working in the mahi tūkino (sexual violence) sector together to whanaungatanga (build relationships), workshop, share knowledge and be informed from specialists in this sector. As an organisation, TOAH-NNEST is founded upon Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the belief that the mahi cannot be done alone and that we must work collaboratively to achieve the total elimination of mahi tūkino."
In particular, proposals are sought that reflect:
- "Kia kaha, Kia maia, Kia manawanui – Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Steadfast
We are seeking exciting and inspiring ideas, approaches, responses to prevention, healing, justice, and community leadership among Māori and Tauiwi. - He waka eke noa – We’re all in this together
We are looking for ideas that can help focus our collective efforts and actions for change to end mahi tūkino."
TOAH-NNEST is seeking presentations and workshops that include an understanding of Te Ao Māori and reflect the diversity of those impacted by mahi tūkino, writing:
"It is hoped that this years’ Conference will provide a unique convergence of networking, learning, inspiring cultural practice, discussions, conversations, and increased knowledge and experience, alongside new and renewed connections."
Proposals should be detailed and can be submitted for one of the following:
- 5 minute oral presentation (including 5min Q&A)
- 50 minute oral presentation (including 5min Q&A)
- 50 minute interactive workshop
For more information see the call for proposals or email to request the call for proposals.
Proposals must be submitted by 6 August 2021 to the conference email address
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Image: Sincerely Media on Unsplash