Shine RESPOND Level 2 - Foundational skills training
Location, date and time
Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland: Wednesday 9 April 2025, 9am-4pm
Organised by
Building on attendees' existing understanding and experience, this training explores the complexity of risk, how one can make accurate assessments, and to understand client-led and client-centered interventions.
Listing of training and other events does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse. Information is as provided by the organiser. For further information or queries about training or events, please contact the organiser using the links or contact details provided.
Using case-based learning, attendees will learn how to make in-depth risk assessments and develop safe strategies and plans to provide effective and useful support mechanisms to people experiencing family violence. Attendees will expand their understanding of safety, dignity and wellbeing when working with people impacted by family violence. This 1-day training can be tailored to provide a bespoke session aligned with your organisational processes and specific context.
Prerequisite: Level 1 Introductory Training or relevant on the job knowledge or experience.
Learning Objectives:
Understand Response-based practice (RBP) as an approach to engagement with clients
Explore the complexity of risk and how to make accurate assessments
Develop ways of tailored safety strategising that provide effective and useful support to people experiencing violence.
To find other training provided by Shine RESPOND, visit their Training and Education Services page
For any queries about training, contact